
Home of the Millers


December 22, 2021


While Carlton Town are very focused on what is happening on the pitch, the club remains equally committed to it’s social responsibility as part of the local community and it was nice ahead of the big Christmas draw to hear words of praise, first of all from Nottingham School of Boxing chief Marcellus Baz who was a guest of the club at the weekend along with a number of under privileged children from the Inner City.

At Tuesday night’s draw , Councillor Nicki Brooks was the club’s very special guest and she to had very warm words for the club and the Carlton Town faithful who have superbly supported the food banks held at the club in support of the local community who are having a hard time at the moment.

Commercial manager Gary Boatsy Clarke as already published the winning Xmas draw prize list on his personal Twitter feed and we can comfirm the following.

Roger Gailbraith won the first prize of T20 Hospitality tickets at Trent Bridge and former manager Les McJannet won Nottingham Forest hospitality along with the club’s Alex Macey who won Legends Lounge tickets for Forest v Coventry.

Charlotte Lock won a signed Leigh Wood boxing glove and Gaz Bee a signed Frank Bruno glove.

Lynn Holmes, Simon Charlton and Peter Gill all won Vouchers for local pubs/restaurants while Luxol Elvis won a Prezzo meal.

Other prizes from a Cineworld night out, male and female beauty sets and wine and Chocolate were also won and everyone will be contacted over Christmas as the club has all the names and phone numbers of the lucky winners.

Alan Roome, club legend Grant Brindley, Ross Whalin and our very own Niall Davie were names in that group.

There were 20 prizes drawn in total and just over £2,000 was raised this website understands and a special mention for Gaz Bee who was in fine form as draw master general.

A nice evening was had by all at the club with players, management, supporters and committee members all attending and the Chairman turning back the years with a Dj Set that featured Christmas, 80’s classics and finally a 90’s Dance set straight out of Pete Tong’s locker.

Jarred Holmes is pictured receiving his mums prize from Nicki Brooks.

John Bryson’s excellent interview with Marcellus Baz can be watched by clicking the link below.
