The third and final Dragon fundraiser for 2019 has brought in another substantial sum to help fund the club, during a period where it has been running with very few 3G bookings.
Supporters club Chief Alan Murphy who is pictured before his entry onto the big stage with impressive Carlton defender and new signing Dan Brown, was said by many to have played his best set yet with some classics from “The Smiths” among his brilliant and compelling hour, before Chairman Mick Garton, totally on it this time, followed up with classic 80s including New order, Frankie goes to Hollywood and Duran Duran among his array of hits.
The Chairman also sponsored the raffle providing all the prizes and himself sold the £575 worth of tickets as well as collecting donations worth over £1,000 from friends and colleagues including superb long distance supporters Pete and Jenny and Aunit at the Dragon among others.
The Chairman told us ” I realise I can’t expect others to raise money unless I throw myself into doing the same and I must admit, I have really put my all into this particular event, we have had very little income from the 3G this summer in comparison with our outgoings and that inevitably puts the club under pressure, so these 3 events at the Dragon have been brilliant for us”
” I would like to place on record my thanks to in particular to Alan Murphy who has done sets at all 3, to Josh Hodgson who did 2 and to Gary Hitchcock who also did 2 and finished this last one in superb style and had the Dragon rocking at the end”
” It was great to see a few of the players down there yesterday who helped out with the raffle and in fact it was Jack Steggles, who won first prize in the draw and two hospitality places at Nottingham Forest for the game v Wigan on Sunday 29th December”
“Gary has indicated, he will come and Dj before and after a game at the club, possibly over Christmas and do what he can to help with our fundraising going forward, we also sold a few tickets for the Christmas Luncheon with former Nottingham Forest manager Paul Hart”
“I will be doing a Christmas set at The Dragon on a midweek night in November, but it will not be a club fundraiser and will be an event related to my company Msr Newsgroup and our Christmas offerings, but I’m sure we will be back doing similar events in 2020, given the success of this years three events which have brought in well over 4K for the club”
“The daft thing is this is an idea come up with during a brain storming session with Dave and Josh Hodgson and a drink fuelled call to Alan Murphy on a Friday night many months ago” remembered the Chairman.
Dave Hodgson’s family who without a doubt brought the most amount of raffle tickets were deservedly among the prizes , but one of the most amusing sights of the afternoon was to see Greg Last returning a £50 valued triple signed piece of Forest Memorabilia for a box of Thorntons for his beloved Bev who was quite clearly in control.
Mick, Greg and Dave Hodgson have become a significant force at the club on the fundraising side, but all the three of them know they have powerful ladies and are well rehearsed in when to take a step forward, back or sideways, depending on the mood, but when Gary Hitchcock comes on, its best to just let them party, because along with friend of the club Diana, that’s what they do best !